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Mexico School at Border Camp for Asylum Seekers

Love Does has officially launched its new primary and secondary school in Tijuana, Mexico. This school serves approximately 200 kids ages 6-16 whose families are seeking asylum to enter the U.S. legally. The school has four classrooms with teachers and aides offering daily education. In addition, there is an onsite psychologist to address the mental and emotional challenges these kids  are facing. Outside the classroom, the kids have access to a computer lab, a library, a dedicated art room - and a newly renovated playground!

Our goal is to provide these children with structure and optimism through character-based education while they are awaiting asylum-case decisions. For many, this will mark their first exposure to a formal education, thus serving as a crucial stepping stone for shaping their future.

Technology for Classrooms

We are looking to add projectors and corresponding technology to each of the classrooms. Goal = $5,000

Spanish Reading Curriculum

We need to stock our library with all levels of Spanish literacy curriculum. Goal = $10,000

Amazon Wishlist

If you'd like to contribute specific items, please check out our Amazon Wishlist which is updated regularly as needs arise.

Amazon Wishlist